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Maecenas tristique gravida odio, et sagi ttis justo interdum porta. Duis et lacus mattis, tincidunt ero.
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Maecenas tristique gravida odio, et sagi ttis justo interdum porta
Maecenas tristique gravida odio, et sagi ttis justo interdum porta.
Maecenas tristique gravida, odio et sagi ttis justo
Maecenas tristique gravida, odio et sagi ttis justo
Maecenas tristique gravida, odio et sagi ttis justo
Maecenas tristique gravida odio, et sagi ttis justo interdum porta. Duis et lacus mattis, tincidunt eronec dictum non nulla.
Tanzania is a country in East Africa in the African Great Lakes region. Tea settlers were founded by German settlers in 1902. Up to half of the tea production is provided by small local farmers. This is where our tea specialty comes from. From the slope of Mount Kilimanjaro. Very beautiful textured brown leaves, nice tips. Delicate aromatic mild nutty taste.
Premium oolong comes from Ali Mountain Area. This tea is classic example of excellent oolong. This tea is grown at an altitude of 700-1300 meters above sea level. The taste is sweet, smooth with undertones of fruit. Simply beautiful experience for every tea lover!
Delicious Fujian Pearls tea. A special blend that is delicately flavored and combining excellent Chinese teas. Very popular tea not only in China but all over the world. Ingredients: White loose tea China Pai Mu Tan, green tea China Fog Tea, jasmine flowers, China Sencha, China Lung Ching, China Gunpowder, China Jasmine, rose petals, China Jasmine Jade Pearl, pieces of cherries, apricots, orange blossoms, sunflower.
Great blend of black anise tea and Moroccan mint. Tea has a delicate natural sweet taste. We serve it with sugar in the Tea Garden, as sweetened teas are very popular in Morocco.
Lapacho – Inca tea – the bark of the South American tree has many positive health effects – it has a strengthening effect on the internal organs of the body, it cleanses the body and significantly increases the body’s immunity. Its health effects were discovered by the ancient Incas.
Although there is no doubt that lapacho is very toxic to many species of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and other species of microorganisms, it appears to be free of any significant toxicity to healthy human cells. Side effects usually occur with isolated components from the Lapacho tree and are limited to nausea and anticoagulant effects and diarrhea, and only in high doses. However, some nausea should be expected as a natural consequence of the detoxification process.
Very aromatic and strong Assam mixture from the best plantations from the second harvest. Exclusive, strong, spicy. A real substitute for “espresso”. Assam is an Indian state in the northeast of the country. It is located in the south of the eastern Himalayas in the valley of the river Brahmaputra.
Premium matcha is made in limited amounts in Japan. It is the heart of the “way of tea” and its preparation is celebrated in the Japanese Tea Ceremony. When you drink matcha you consume the leaves, unlike other green teas.
This delicious strawberry fruit flavoured Mate contains our house special blend of Mate and natural fruit flavouring. It can be consumed hot or cold.
Mate gives a greenish taste. Mate is rich in vitamins and minerals, it is considered a nourishing all-body tonic. It also can be used as a stimulant to treat mental and physical fatigue and headaches. Mate is an energising drink. Due to its natural caffeine, it stimulates digestion, metabolism, and circulation.
Apple flavour of Rooibos with pieces of carrot and lemon for a healthy life. Ingredients: Rooibos Massai, apple (min. 16%), carrots, lemon peel, flavouring.
The combination of Rooibos and spices from different countries allowed us to create a tea for long winter evening. Ideal for all day sipping. Ingredients: Rooibos Massai 60%, coconut, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, apple, almonds* (allergen), natural aroma.
Perfect blend of chocolate and orange flavor in combination with Rooibos Massai tea. Rooibos Massai 58.5%, orange peel, cocoa peel, red pepper, natural aroma.
Rooibos Finest Highgrown Moutain produced only in South Africa. Our Rooibos is from the highlands of the Maskam region. It has a full and naturally sweet taste. The infusion is dark red and clear. It does not contain caffeine and has a high mineral content. Tea can be drunk hot or cold.
An excellent fruity blend reminding of the end of summer. Hibiscus, raisins, apple, raspberry, rose hips, orange peel, elderberry, natural aroma.
When you drink tea of this fruit blend, you will feel like in a fairy tale. Orange peel, cinnamon, apple, cardamom, rose hips, rose and sand flowers, hibiscus, almonds (allergen), cloves, natural aroma.
hibiscus, elderberry, raisins, apple, fruit and blackberry leaf, black rowan, beetroot, strawberry, red currant, natural aroma
Perfect mix of hibiscus, raisins, elderberry, black rowan, raspberry, strawberry, rose hips, fruit-rummy aroma.
Superb blend of hibiscus, apple (min. 36%), rose hips, orange peel, cinnamon (min. 6%), and natural aroma.
The tea with a creamy addition that adds a smooth rich texture. The cream is smooth and the whiskey tangy. Exciting as a completely different drink and surprising because it seems like chocolate and vanilla, with its simple flavours of whiskey and cream. This is a good tea among a decent number of other good teas.
Black tea with chocolate chips, and vanilla and cream aroma. In Tea Garden we serve it with hot milk as you can see on the picture.
This is a wonderful, aromatic and mild tea. The vanilla is not overpowering which enables the green tea taste to come through. A natural vanilla flavour makes this an exquisite green tea.
Ingredients: Tulsi, Rooibos green, pieces of ginger, cinnamon, iron, chamomile, lavender, rose buds, natural aroma. A perfect herbal mixture to please the body and mind. A great companion for a time of relaxation and rest. Very popular before bedtime. Once you taste it, it will remain your companion forever. In the Tea Garden we serve it with lemon and honey.
Open your chakras with our amazing herbal tea. In the Tea Garden we serve it with lemon and honey. Ingredients: A blend of tulsi, honey bush, apples, cinnamon, vervain lemongrass, leaf of lemon and marigold.
Perfect mix of rooibos, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, red and black pepper, Vacil, cornflower blossoms. In Tea Garden we serve it with hot milk as you can see on the picture.
Now ain’t that a time saver!
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